The Magic List™ Travel Edition

The Magic List™ (travel edition) is a signature product of Lux Digital Media - a directory of 1200 brand reps, responsible for Influencer marketing at major travel companies and destinations in the US and worldwide.

The Magic List™ Travel Edition: Get paid to travel - pitch to 1200 travel brands via email.

These are current contacts, that are working in these companies today!
The List is organized in a way, where you can take notes and keep track of all your brand relationships.

There are 7 categories of travel brands 👇

  • Airlines (including private, regional, national, and international)
  • ​Travel (Hotels, Cruise lines, Booking companies)
  • ​Swimwear
  • ​Sunglasses
  • ​Luggage
  • ​Tourism Boards (including 25 major cities, all 50 US states, and over 80+ countries!)

In addition to the Magic List™, you receive secret bonuses that help you take your pitching and negotiation skills to a PRO level immediately.

These guides will quickly optimize your Instagram profile and the copy-paste email templates will skyrocket your rates as an Influencer.

There are 6 bonuses, that are included:

  • ​Quickstart profile optimization.
  • ​Email script for pitching brands.
  • ​14 best-performing Influencer platforms that help you monetize immediately.
  • ​Pitch follow-up email script.
  • ​All 14 components of your Influencer rate (what you can charge brands for).
  • ​​Email scripts for ​every possible scenario in brand negotiations: turn gifted campaigns into paid deals, charge your worth, turn affiliate offers into paid partnerships and much more.

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Due to highly sensitive nature of these materials (industry contacts, scripts, and secrets), and extremely effective results, all sales are FINAL.


Are these contacts current? 

Our team is dedicated to updating the Magic List™ to ensure you have access to the most current contacts. However, due to the size of the directory, some contacts may inevitably result in bounces. A bounced email typically means that this person left the company. If this happens, simply email, and we will promptly replace the contact and update the directory.

Will I get updates of the Magic List™ as the directory grows and updates?

Although not explicitly promoted, we provide you with free updates to the Magic List™ for up to one year after the purchase.

Do these contacts work with Instagram Influencers only? Can I pitch to them if I have a following on TikTok?

This directory lists the individuals in charge of marketing or influencer marketing for specific companies. You can present your proposal for any platform to them and continue the discussion from there. Even if you have a substantial following on social media platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, or others, you can still derive complete benefits from this directory.

Do these brands offer paid campaigns or gifting only?

Our role is solely to furnish you with the contact information of these brands and save you countless hours of research. We do not take charge of PR and Marketing for these brands, and it will be your responsibility to handle any brand partnership deals. It's important to note that not all brands may respond to your outreach, and that's perfectly alright. Nevertheless, these contacts provide you with the best opportunity to showcase your personal brand and express your interest in collaborating with them.

Where can I find something similar?

No other company provides this opportunity to influencers at this scale and level of detail.

Can I find these contacts myself?

If a brand is relatively small, about 10% of its contacts are typically listed on its website. The remaining 40% of contacts can be accessed through paid third-party subscriptions, listed in various directories. However, researching each contact could take several hours or even days. As for the remaining 50% of contacts, they are only accessible if the brand initiates contact with you first.

Is there a refund policy?

Given the sensitive nature of the data contained within our digital product, its limited availability, and uniqueness, we cannot offer refunds. Rest assured, we are absolutely certain (beyond a doubt) that this list is authentic and effective.

Ready to grab your copy of the Magic List™?

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